Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Call for a long-term Himalayan policy

Dehradun, Apr 19 : Amid growing concern over depleting natural resources, two environmental activists of Uttarakhand today sought to set an agenda for elections by advocating a long-term Himalayan policy focusing on local issues.

At a press conference here, Chipko movement leader Sunder Lal Bahuguna and watermill proponent Dr Anil Prakash Joshi appealed to political parties to set the agenda for the development of the vast Himalayan region.

"This is a fight for the protection of water, forests and land. We want all the political parties to chalk out a long-term Himalayan policy for the betterment of this region which gives important natural resources to the world," the two leaders said.

Bahuguna said the Himalayan policy was important because the region was facing poverty with most of its workforce migrating to the plains in search of jobs.

"The hills are driven by money order economy. For bringing prosperity, it is important to have our own sources of income so that people don't need to migrate and send money home," Bahuguna said.

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