Thursday, February 3, 2011

High alert in forest areas in U''khand

Rishikesh, Feb 3 (PTI) A high alert has been sounded innational parks in Uttarakhand with the environment departmentofficials suspecting that wildlife traffickers could encroachsome forest areas in the state.

"Corbett National Park is under strict vigil," itsdirector Ranjan Kumar Mishra said.

The movement of tigers and elephants is quite high inthe southern and eastern part of the reserve, and the forestofficials and the tiger protection force are monitoring thesituation with help of GPS system, he said.

Notorious gangs involved in trafficking may try toencroach forests of Uttarakhand and hence the national parkhas been put on high alert, S S Rasaeli, Director of RajajiNational park said.

Patrolling has been intensified and several teams havebeen deployed in forest areas increased to keep an eye on anysuspected movement, officials said.

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