Thursday, June 10, 2010

Litchi market sours, exports hit in Uttarakhand

Exports of litchis have been hit badly for the third consecutive year in the wake of 40 to 50 percent fall in production this season.

Despite good fruiting and flowering during January-February, the long dryspell created death-knell on the production of litchis which is expected to remain stagnant at 9000 metric tons. Last year, the production was around 9000 metric tons only. And the quality of the litchis is also not good.

Dehradun, a hub of litchis, recorded an estimated 5000 metric tons of production this season. The production at Ramnagar was also not on expected lines. This also give a severe set back to the government’s efforts to export litchis this season. “We have not sent any consignment this time abroad,” said an official.

Prices of litchis have now touched all time high in the wake of big shortfall in the production. The prices of rose-scented Dehra Duni litchis zoomed to Rs 80-100 per kg, more than double in a short span of one fortnight.

Director Horticulture department Dr V P Nautiyal also admitted that the production of litchis has declined this season mainly due to hot climatic conditions. Despite an increase of 1000 hectares of litchi area last year taking the total cultivation area to 8900 hectares in the state, there was hardly any further increase.

This is the third bad year for the production of litchis. Three years ago, the export production of litchi had touched 70 to 75 metric tones mainly due to efforts of the Agri Export Development Unit (AEDU). Litchis were being exported to various countries like New Zealand, Holland and UAE. But during the past three years, exports of litchis and other fruits have received a jolt especially after the AEDU became non-functional.

When contacted, officials said efforts are being made to revive AIDU in order to resume exports of fruits next year

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